Scribing Clinics
March Date of event
12-2 PM: Scribing Basics
2-4 PM: Online Paperless Scoring
Contact Gunn Cooper [email protected]
12-2 PM: Scribing Basics
2-4 PM: Online Paperless Scoring
Contact Gunn Cooper [email protected]
April Date of event
12-2 PM: Scribing Basics
2-4 PM: Online Paperless Scoring
Contact Gunn Cooper [email protected]
12-2 PM: Scribing Basics
2-4 PM: Online Paperless Scoring
Contact Gunn Cooper [email protected]
There are a limited number of spots available. EI members will have priority.
Cost is $25 per clinic.
Materials and refreshments will be provided.
Cost is $25 per clinic.
Materials and refreshments will be provided.
Attend one of two EI Scribing Clinics this spring to learn how to scribe or to get a refresher, and to learn how do it in a paperless online system, which many shows in the region are adopting. Both clinics will be held in-person at home of EI members to add some fun and comradery.
Judge Amanda Wilgenburg will lead you through the scribing process and cover responsibilities of scribing, scoring, common abbreviations, and errors. The session will include practice scribing using paper score sheets, and hearing what a judge is looking for as she/he judges the movements.
Anne Bartlett, EI’s show secretary and online paperless scoring system expert, will guide you through the process of computer scoring and familiarize you with the ins and outs of scribing electronically. Participants will have the opportunity to practice scribing on EI laptops.
Judge Amanda Wilgenburg will lead you through the scribing process and cover responsibilities of scribing, scoring, common abbreviations, and errors. The session will include practice scribing using paper score sheets, and hearing what a judge is looking for as she/he judges the movements.
Anne Bartlett, EI’s show secretary and online paperless scoring system expert, will guide you through the process of computer scoring and familiarize you with the ins and outs of scribing electronically. Participants will have the opportunity to practice scribing on EI laptops.
Registration Form