Annual Meetings
All EI members are invited to the annual meeting, held in late November or early December each year. Date and time information is posted to EI's Facebook page as well as email to each member.

2023 EI Annual Meeting Minutes (Pending) |
Board of Directors
EI is governed by an elected Board of Directors, and work is coordinated across multiple committees. The Dressage, Eventing, Driving, and Sport Horse Breeding Divisions are independently responsible for managing activities to promote their respective pursuits. Bookkeeping, membership, insurance, information technology, and grants are managed centrally and overseen by the Board. The Board includes representation from each Division.
Contact the board via email at [email protected]
2024 Board of Directors
- Diana Axness - President and Driving Director ([email protected])
- Meika Decher - Vice President and Eventing Director ([email protected])
- Gunn Cooper - Treasurer and Dressage Director ([email protected])
- Trish Camozzi-Ekberg - Secretary, IT, Web Master ([email protected])
- Krista Tanner - Driving ([email protected])
- Penny Leggott - Eventing, Camp ([email protected])
- Chris Bredeson - Sport Horse Breeding Director ([email protected])
- Michelle Martin - Eventing, Camp ([email protected])